



樹種 イチョウ…イチョウ科
所在 亀岡市千歳町国文桜久保二十五


1 件のコメント:

  1. Ginkgo - Request - Book-project "Nature's Miracle - Ginkgo biloba L. 1771 - All about Ginkgo (or Maidenhair tree)" Vol 1-4, subtitle: Will Ginkgo be the saviour of the human kind?

    I live in Croatia (Europe) and write a book about Ginkgo for print and digital forms. Type of the book is: scientifically-popular (Encyclopedia Scientific Popular).

    My question is:

    if you allow me to publish a your photo with web site? Photo is Ginkgo chi-chi! http://lh4.ggpht.com/_QhZyDxxh2P8/TYhbzEK3osI/AAAAAAAAAUE/H1hJZxZojBg/bloggerPlus.jpg

    Photo has been signed (Book 1, Vol 1, part 3, p. 88):

    "Above: Chi-chi - a specific root that grows on the branches - just in Ginkgo. Ginkgo Chi-chi, Japan. Photo by Kamatsuka, Japan - http://kamatsuka.blogspot.com. Left: photo by Tony Kirkham, Kew Garden (”Old Lion”), UK. Right: photo by J. Barišic, Croatia." - or how you want?

    (+ "Special thanks" )

    I send you my book in pdf - If you want?

    See please “Operating Contents” book "Ginkgo biloba L. 1771 - All about Ginkgo (or Maidenhair tree)" (Vol 1-4) here: http://www.ginkgo-project.blogspot.com/
    "Nature's Miracle
    Ginkgo biloba L. 1771 - All about Ginkgo (or Maidenhair tree) - Vol 1-4 (Will Ginkgo be the saviour of the human kind?)"
    Vol 1 - Ginkgo in general - Lets get to know Ginkgo (270 p. - Completed)
    Vol 2 - Cultivars and bonsai forms (158 p. - Completed)
    (= Book 1)
    Vol 3 - Medicine and food - unrivalled (Will Ginkgo be the saviour of the human kind?) (152 p.)
    Vol 4 - Ginkgo as inspiration - through out the history and today (154 p.)

    Foreword (Introduction) by:

    • Prof. Sir Peter Crane, Dr.Sc. (Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, London, UK, etc. and today - Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, USA)
    • Prof. Peter Del Tredici, Dr.Sc. (Senior Research Scientist Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, Boston - Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, USA)
    • Prof. Ing. Pavel Hrubík, Dr.Sc. (Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, Slovakia)
    • Elvira Koić, Mr.Sc. (General Hospital Virovitica, Head of psychiatry, Virovitica, etc., Croatia)
    • Prof. László Orlóci, Dr.Sc. (ELTE Botanical Garden, Budapest, Hungary)
    • Rade Rakić, M.S. (Croatian Forests of Croatia, Head of botanical nursery, Krizevci, Croatia)
    • Assoc. Prof. Ing. Katarína Ražná, Dr.Sc. (Department of genetics and plant breeding, Faculty of agriculture and food resources, Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, Slovakia)
    • Dirk and Cor van Gelderen (PlantenTuin Esveld, Boskoop, Netherlands)
    • Prof. Zhi-Yan Zhou, Member of CAS - Academician (State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, and Department of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

    Thank you very much in advance.
    Big regards!

    Branko M. Begovic
    Otrovanec 60
    33405 Pitomaca
    Please contact: ginkgo.begovic@gmail.com
